To be successful, students should have a solid understanding of the following courses:
- Fundamentals 1,2 &3 (Retired)
- Advanced Searching & Reporting
Or the following single-subject courses:
- What is Splunk? (Retired)
- Intro to Splunk (ITS)
- Using Fields (SUF)
- Scheduling Reports & Alerts (SRA)
- Visualizations (SVZ)
- Working with Time (WWT)
- Statistical Processing (SSP)
- Comparing Values (SCV)
- Result Modification (SRM)
- Leveraging Lookups and Subsearches (LLS)
- Correlation Analysis (SCLAS)
- Search Under the Hood (SUH)
- Creating Field Extractions (CFE)
- Search Optimization (SSO)
Course Objectives
This 13.5-hour course is for users who want to attain operational intelligence level 4, (business insights) and covers implementing analytics and data science projects using Splunk's statistics, machine learning, built-in and custom visualization capabilities.
Please note that this course may run over three days, with 4.5 hour sessions each day.
Course Content
- Analytics Framework
- Regression for Prediction
- Cleaning and Preprocessing Data
- Algorithms, Preprocessing and Feature Extrac7on
- Clustering Data
- Detecting Anomalies
- Forecasting
- Classification