Cloud Infrastructure and Services (MR-1CP-CISV3)


Chi dovrebbe partecipare

This course is intended for:

  • Experienced IT professionals, who may not have had exposure to cloud computing
  • IT professionals responsible for architecting and managing cloud infrastructure
  • Students and professionals who are looking to pursue career in cloud computing
  • Individuals who are seeking EMC Cloud Associate (EMCC IS) certification


  • Basic understanding of computer architecture, operating system, and database
  • Experience in compute system, storage and network infrastructure will be an added advantage

Obiettivi del Corso

Upon successful completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Describe cloud computing, its deployment and service models
  • Describe the cloud computing reference model and the key considerations to build a cloud infrastructure
  • Describe the key components and processes required to build physical, virtual, control, and service layers of a cloud infrastructure
  • Describe the service orchestration, business continuity, security, and service management functions for a cloud infrastructure

Contenuti del Corso

This course educates participants on building cloud infrastructure based on a cloud computing reference model. The reference model includes five fundamental layers (physical, virtual, control, orchestration, and service) and three cross-layer functions (business continuity, security, and service management) for building a cloud infrastructure. For each layer and cross-layer function, this course covers the comprising technologies, components, processes, and mechanisms. This course takes an open-approach to describe the concepts and technologies, which are further illustrated and reinforced with EMC-related product examples. The course follows the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology as a guide for all definitions of cloud computing. Upon completing this course, participants will have the knowledge to make informed decisions on technologies, processes, and mechanisms required to build a cloud infrastructure

Prezzo & Delivery methods

Formazione in Aula

4 Giorni

  • Italia: US $ 2.700,–

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