Avamar Administration (AVAM635)


Chi dovrebbe partecipare

This course is intended for system administrators, systems engineers, partners and support specialists who administer and support EMC Avamar.


To understand the content and successfully complete this course, a student must have a suitable knowledgebase/skill set. The student must have an understanding of:

  • Backup and recovery concepts and principles
  • Network administration in a TCP/IP environment
  • Unix/Linux system administration

A list of specific prerequisite courses can be found in the EMC Education Services Learning Management System.

Obiettivi del Corso

The EMC Avamar Administration course provides participants with the knowledge and basic skills necessary to administer, monitor and troubleshoot EMC Avamar. Recommended Avamar best practices are presented throughout the course. The course contains lectures, review questions and hands-on labs.

Upon successful completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the Avamar advantage over traditional backup systems
  • Define Avamar terminology
  • Describe Avamar system components and processes
  • Describe the Avamar de-duplication backup process
  • Install Avamar Administrator and Client software
  • Create a group policy
  • Run on-demand backups from the Avamar Administrator and Avamar Client interfaces
  • Restore files using Avamar Administrator and Avamar Web Restore interfaces
  • Describe the types of Avamar replication and configure Avamar standard replication
  • Describe Avamar server daily maintenance activities: checkpoints, HFS checks, and garbage collection
  • Use Avamar tools to perform system monitoring, maintenance, capacity management, and troubleshooting

Contenuti del Corso


These modules are designed to support the course objectives. The following modules are included in this course:

  • Avamar Fundamentals
  • Avamar Administration
  • Avamar Backups
  • Performing Recoveries
  • Using Enterprise Manager and Replication
  • System Monitoring and Maintenance
  • Logs, Troubleshooting and Reporting


Labs reinforce the information you have been taught. The labs for this course include:

  • Lab Exercise 2-1: Install and Launch Avamar Administrator
  • Lab Exercise 2-2: Perform Avamar Account Management Tasks
  • Lab Exercise 2-3: Installing Avamar Client Software
  • Lab Exercise 3-1: Create Avamar Groups
  • Lab Exercise 3-2: On-demand Backups
  • Lab Exercise 3-3: Managing Backups
  • Lab Exercise 4-1: Running Restores
  • Lab Exercise 5-1: Using Avamar Enterprise Manager
  • Lab Exercise 5-2: Avamar Replication
  • Lab Exercise 6-1: Performing Daily System Monitoring Tasks
  • Lab Exercise 6-2: Using dpnctl
  • Lab Exercise 6-3: Daily Maintenance Activities
  • Lab Exercise 7-1: Exploring Avamar Processes and Logs
  • Lab Exercise 7-2: Running Standard and Custom Reports


Assessments validate that you have learned the knowledge or skills presented during a learning experience. This course includes review questions at the end of each module.

Prezzo & Delivery methods

Formazione in Aula

4 Giorni

  • Italia: US $ 4.400,–

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