Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Network (ENWLSD)


Chi dovrebbe partecipare

  • Consulting systems engineer
  • Network administrator
  • Network engineer
  • Network manager
  • Sales engineer
  • Systems engineer
  • Technical solutions architect
  • Wireless design engineer
  • Wireless engineer


Questo corso è parte della seguente certificazione:


The knowledge and skills that students are expected to have before attending this course are:

  • General knowledge of networks
  • General knowledge of wireless networks
  • Routing and switching knowledge

Here are recommended Cisco learning offerings that may help students meet these prerequisites:

  • ! or equivalent knowledge and
  • ! or equivalent knowledge

CCNP Core or equivalent knowledge and WLFNDU or equivalent knowledge (coming soon)

Obiettivi del Corso

Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (ENWLSD) v1.0 is a 5-day course that introduces wireless engineers to concepts they need to know when planning advanced designs of Cisco wireless products. The course covers design specifics from scenario design concepts, through the installation phase, and into postdeployment validation.

Upon completing this course, students will be able to meet these objectives:

  • Describe and implement a Cisco recommended structured design methodology
  • Describe and implement industry standards, amendments, certifications, and RFCs
  • Describe and implement Cisco enhanced wireless features
  • Describe and implement the wireless design process
  • Describe and implement specific vertical designs
  • Describe and implement site survey processes
  • Describe and implement network validation processes

Contenuti del Corso

  • Describing and Implementing a Structured Wireless Design Methodology
  • Describing and Implementing Industry Protocols and Standards
  • Describing and Implementing Cisco Enhanced Wireless Features
  • Examining Cisco Mobility and Roaming
  • Describing and Implementing the Wireless Design Process
  • Describing and Implementing Specific Vertical Designs
  • Examining Special Considerations in Advanced Wireless Designs
  • Describing and Implementing the Site Survey Processes
  • Describing and Implementing Wireless Network Validation Processes

Prezzo & Delivery methods

Online Training

5 Giorni

  • 2.990,– €
  • Cisco Learning Credits: 43
Formazione in Aula

5 Giorni

  • Italia: 2.990,– €
  • Cisco Learning Credits: 43


Guaranteed date:   Fast Lane garantirà il corso indipendentemente dal numero dei partecipanti
Instructor-led Online Training:   Questo è un corso Online. If you have any questions about our online courses, feel free to contact us via phone or Email anytime.
Questo è un corso FLEX, erogato sia in aula che in remoto, contemporaneamente.

Contattaci per avere informazioni sulle date disponibili in Italiano.


Fuso orario: Central European Time (CET)   ±1 Ora

Online Training Fuso orario: British Summer Time (BST)
Online Training Questo è un corso FLEX. Fuso orario: UTC+3
Online Training Fuso orario: Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Online Training Questo è un corso FLEX. Fuso orario: UTC+3
Online Training Fuso orario: British Summer Time (BST)
Online Training Questo è un corso FLEX. Fuso orario: UTC+3
Online Training 1 Giorno Fuso orario: British Summer Time (BST)
Online Training Questo è un corso FLEX. Fuso orario: Central European Time (CET)

2 ore spostamento del fuso orario

Online Training Questo è un corso FLEX. Fuso orario: Gulf Standard Time (GST)
Online Training Fuso orario: Gulf Standard Time (GST) Erogazione garantita
Online Training Questo è un corso FLEX. Fuso orario: Gulf Standard Time (GST)
Online Training Questo è un corso FLEX. Fuso orario: UTC+3

3 ore spostamento del fuso orario

Online Training Questo è un corso FLEX. Fuso orario: Gulf Standard Time (GST)

6 ore spostamento del fuso orario

Online Training Fuso orario: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) CLC Eligible
Online Training 2 Giorni Fuso orario: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) CLC Eligible

7 ore spostamento del fuso orario

Online Training Fuso orario: Central Standard Time (CST)
Online Training Fuso orario: Central Standard Time (CST)

9 ore spostamento del fuso orario

Online Training Fuso orario: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
Online Training Fuso orario: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
Questo è un corso FLEX, erogato sia in aula che in remoto, contemporaneamente.

Al momento non ci sono date italiane disponibili.










