ONTAP SAN Administration (SANADM) – Contenuti

Contenuti dettagliati del Corso

Module 1: NetApp ONTAP SAN fundamentals review

  • Introduction to SAN
  • SAN scalability and maximums

Module 2: NetApp ONTAP SAN resource provisioning

  • Volume and LUN provisioning
  • Additional ONTAP CLI considerations

Module 3: NetApp ONTAP storage VM administration

  • Storage VM creation workflow
  • LUN creation
  • NVMe namespaces and subsystems
  • iSCSI, FC, NVMe/FC, and NVMe/TCP recommended guidelines
  • iSCSI security and networking

Module 4: SAN availability and data protection

  • High availability and host multipathing
  • Data protection in SAN environments

Module 5: Management of NetApp ONTAP SAN environments

  • LUN mobility
  • Volume and LUN reconfiguration
  • SAN performance recommendations