Red Hat Certified Engineer in Red Hat OpenStack (RHCE-RHOS)

An IT professional who becomes a Red Hat Certified Engineer in Red Hat OpenStack has the ability to configure advanced networking in a director-based Red Hat OpenStack environment.

An enterprise application developer who has become a Red Hat Certified Specialist in Red Hat OpenStack is able to:

  • Create and work with virtual network devices.
  • Manage OpenStack networking agents.
  • Deploy IPv6 networks in OpenStack.
  • Provision OpenStack networks.
  • Implement distributed virtual routing.
  • Implement NFV datapaths.
  • Build software-defined networks with OpenDaylight.

These audiences may be interested in becoming an RHCE in Red Hat OpenStack:

  • Experienced OpenStack system administrators responsible for the planning or deployment of Red Hat OpenStack
  • Experienced OpenStack system administrators who want to demonstrate their capability in network functions virtualization (NFV)
  • A Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA®) in Red Hat OpenStack interested in earning an RHCE in Red Hat OpenStack credential
  • An RHCE interested in earning a Red Hat Certified Specialist or RHCSA credential


To earn the RHCE in Red Hat OpenStack credential, you must possess the following certification:

Corso raccomandato per questa certificazione

!Red Hat OpenStack Administration III (CL310)


!Red Hat Certified Specialist in Edge Computing and Networking exam (EX310)