Contenuti dettagliati del Corso
Unit 1: Sysplex overview
- This unit describes sysplex terminology, concepts, and benefits provided by a sysplex configuration. It identifies the various software and hardware components that make up the Parallel Sysplex environment.
Unit 2: Coupling Facility
- The purpose of this unit is to describe the CF link connectivity options, how the CF operates, and the users of the CF. The CF policy is described and explained along with commands to control and monitor the CF.
Unit 3: Sysplex operation and recovery
- The purpose of this unit is to identify the commands and procedures required to manage a sysplex. Normal, day-to-day and failure-recovery operational procedures for structures, CFs, CF links, and couple data sets are discussed. CF configurations are discussed and sysplex configurations for the highest availability are explained.
Unit 4: Sysplex Failure Manager and console operations
- This unit describes SFM operation, use, and support that was added with z/OS 1.8 and z/OS 1.9. It also describes sysplex console operations support and use, including console updates that apply to z/OS 1.8 and z/OS 1.10.
Unit 5: Sysplex timer and Server Time Protocol operation
- This unit describes the importance of time synchronization in a Parallel Sysplex and how it is achieved. It describes the timing configurations (Sysplex Timer and Server Time Protocol) that can be used in the System z servers, including terminology and configuration support.
Unit 6: z/OS IPL flow
- This unit describes the major phases within a z/OS initial program load (IPL) operation, the steps required to perform a successful IPL, and how to resolve problems that might be encountered during an IPL of a z/OS system.